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You Are Uncommonly Fashioned to Produce Remarkable Fruits


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Yes, God fashioned you exceptionally. And He sends HIS rain on you regularly so that you can yield delicious fruits to HIS glorification.

In other words, God has cultivated you for the sake of some people. If you are fruitful, then God’s glorious goodies await you.

When people draw close to you and find good crops, they pluck its fruits and eat thereof. Then, on realizing its tastiness, they will be enticed to dig deep to get the jewel from which you produced your tasty fruits.

The deeper these people search, the more they will discover that Jesus is the precious jewel dwelling within. He is the source of sweetness. Jesus is the water of life that makes one everlastingly satisfied. He is the only resource that guarantees everlasting nourishment.

How to Produce Christly Fruits

Dig deep—no, not deep: Dig deeper—no, not deeper: Continue to dig, dig, dig, and dig till you have owned Jesus as your only priceless jewel.

Once you’ve owned Jesus as your priceless jewel, you have become a land God will use to make others dig for Jesus.

God wants you to produce the fruits of the Spirit so that people can dig for Christ through you.

Remember, you are eating this good fruit because its land availed itself to God. Therefore, let Christ be the jewel of your life. Produce fruits worthy of repentance—otherwise, Jesus may disown you. (Matthew 21:18-20)

What Happens to a Disowned Land?

Once Jesus disowns a piece of land, He stops watering it. Consequently, the land’s crops will cease to yield fruits. Its leaves will dry off, and its seeds will no longer germinate. Worst of all, it will become barren, awaiting its eternal destruction.

When Is It Best to Commit Yourself to God?

There is no better time than now to make yourself useful to God because, as Jesus warned in Matthew 24:36, no one knows the harvest time when God will burn away fruitless pieces of land. Therefore, do not wait a sec—now is the best time to begin cultivating yourself for God’s glory.

Find Out More

To discover more on how to commit yourself to God’s glorification, kindly contact:

Name: Jehovah God Almighty

Mobile No: Jesus Christ

Venue: Everywhere

Time: Always

Manual: Holy Spirit • KJV Bible • Luke 5:1-7 • Hebrews 6:7-8

Wrapping It Up

Jesus has wonderfully and purposefully created you for His glory. So, don’t waste your opportunity to let Christ shine through you. Now is the best time to produce remarkable fruits. A later period may be too late.