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How to Find Joy – Learn the 7 Proven Ways

How to find joy

Photo by Petra on Pixabay

The first path to a joyful life is to give God complete control of it all. Trust Him and see that He is an amazing father who never fails. Here are proven ways to find joy in your everyday life.

  1. Give God Complete Control

    Things may look rough, very tough, and disjointed.

    It may seem nothing good comes out of patience, faith [in God], and love.

    Every path you’ve gone through might have led to disappointment, which makes you confused about the next step.

    Hmmm, what next?

    It would be a tragic mistake to permit the spirit of doubt, hopelessness, and sadness to take control.

    Instead, let God’s Spirit move upon all your burdens and grand expectations.

    Let God take complete control of it all. Then, you will be astonished at the gorgeous way God will gloriously rejuvenate your life.

    Genesis 1:1-2

  2. Make Yourself His Special Light

    Always useful.

    Always bright.

    Never Hidden.

    All these characterize God’s light.

    Realize yourself as God’s light.

    Move away from the darkness.

    Walk according to the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

    Consequently, you will always be unique, unavoidable, and elegant.

    Genesis 1:3-5

  3. Trust God

    Firm obedience to God’s commands led to remarkable earthly manifestations.

    Unquestioning God’s directives led to the rapid beautification of the earth.

    It is your turn to enjoy Christ’s awesomeness!

    But He needs you to obey HIS commands—not doubting them.

    So, trust Him and see that the Lord is the giver of perfect joy.

    Genesis 1:6-8

  4. Discover Enormous Joy Right Within

    To discover your joy, glorious victory, and divine upliftment, look no further but deeper within yourself.

    Never let your outer self distract you from caring for your inner being.

    Satisfy your inner being with the Holy Spirit. Then, you will bring forth the fruits of God’s unconditional love, including joy.

    Genesis 1:9-13

  5. Seek More of God’s Glory

    Are you satisfied with your knowledge?

    Are you satisfied with your prayer life?

    Or are you satisfied with the brightness of your glory?

    Be satisfied and miss the opportunities for better success.

    Hunger for more of God’s glory and discover that there’s no limitation to the joy you can attain in Christ Jesus.

    Genesis 1:14-19

  6. Press on to Your Goal

    Progress isn’t perfection.

    Beauty isn’t best.

    Success isn’t completion.

    Press on to accomplish the goal of your destiny in Christ Jesus.

    Genesis 1:20-23

  7. Go Forth to Represent Him

    Represent His image.

    Represent His sovereignty.

    Represent His love.

    Go forth; Go steadfastly; Go empowered to reveal Christ to the world. By so doing, you will find everlasting joy.

    Genesis 1:24-31