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How to Obey God Effectively – You Need One Thing

How to Obey God

Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

It is typical for kings to send their servants on errands. But fulfilling such a task can be murderous if the messenger lacks the appropriate resource.

Let me tell you a story of a King and his three servants.

How Three Servants Obeyed the King’s Order

A long while ago, there lived a King who sent three of his servants on some errands.

Here are his instructions and the way each servant fulfilled them.

The tale of a swift servant

To the first servant, the King said, “Go to the war zone and proclaim my order to all fighters that I, the King, command them to stop the war and let peace reign immediately.”

​Without hesitation, the servant went quickly and stood at the center where every soldier, army, and person could see him and hear his voice.

He then pronounced the exact word of the King, “Attention! Attention! Attention! The King, at this moment, orders every soldier, army, and person to stop the war and let peace…”

Before the messenger could finish his words, the soldiers immediately apprehended and killed him—without stopping the war.

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

—Ecclesiastes 9:11 (KJV)

The story of an intelligent servant

To the second servant, the King said, “My faithful and obedient servant, today is your day to receive the reward of your faithfulness.

Go straight to my son’s office; tell him I, the King, have sent you to get the best available position in his office.”

​The servant was filled with joy but said, “Excellent King, thank you for this beautiful honor you have bestowed on me; may your Kingdom continue to increase in strength.

Oh, lovely King, please grant me that I may seek your kind favor.

If I go to your son with mere words, your son will never trust that you sent me. But if you give me a letter-headed message, he will unquestionably believe you sent me to him.”

​Immediately, the King took a letter-headed paper, wrote the letter, and gave it to his servant.

The servant was filled with joy and went quickly to the office of the King’s son.

The attendees immediately permitted him in.

He then spoke politely and carefully to the King’s son, “Good afternoon, Sir. I am a servant of your father, the great King.

Due to the King’s appreciation of my faithfulness and obedience to his orders, he has instructed that I seek the best position obtainable in your company. Therefore, Sir, here is the letter he (the King) wrote to you.”

After the King’s son had finished reading his father’s letter, he looked at the servant angrily, tore the letter, and ordered his guards to get rid of the servant.

Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:

—Jeremiah 9:23

The chronicle of an anointed servant

To the third servant, the King said, “My dear servant, the state of my people makes me sad.

Many of them are held captive in various prisons around the world—having no strength to help themselves.

Many of them sleep and wake in sorrow—not even remembering the way to their home.

Dear servant, go quickly to all prisons. Proclaim my words to the prison commanders that I, the great King, authorize my people to be released immediately.”

On hearing the King’s command, the servant said, “Great King, thank you for trusting me to accomplish your commands faithfully.

But merciful King, grant me the grace to lay my petition before you.

Suppose I go to all the prisons with only words or letters written personally by you. In that case, the prison commanders will command their securities to imprison me because I do not have your seal.

Therefore, most honorable King, to effectively proclaim your command to all prison commanders, kindly give me your authentic and most respectable seal.”

Immediately, the King granted the servant’s request.

The servant then presented the seal to the prison commanders on getting to the prisons. Afterward, he proclaimed the King’s command to them.

Without hesitation, the commanders authorized the prison’s securities to release all the King’s people.

Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

—Ephesians 6:11


  • The King refers to God Almighty.

  • The King’s servants refer to those working under God’s authority.

  • The first servant refers to those sent by God but has no sign of God in them. For example, people who preach God’s word—day and night—but do not act in HIS perfect ways.

  • The second servant refers to people comfortable with God’s letter-headed (physical) letter as proof that HE sends them. Examples of God’s letterhead are the Bible, crucifix, religious positions (pastors, prophets, miracle workers, and the like), forged Christ-like behaviors, and so on.

  • The third servant refers to people who do not only have God’s word or HIS sign in them. They also have the seal of God. They are the chosen ones destined for glory. No one can take away God’s seal from them because they are one with God. God is in them, and they are in God—absolutely nothing can divide them.

  • God’s Son is Jesus Christ: the only begotten Son of Jehovah.

  • God’s seal is Jesus Christ, the only savior of the world.

Wrapping It Up

Being tagged as a servant—or child—of God has no profit. Only God’s seal can grant you salvation.

In other words, the best way to obey God effectively is to allow Jesus to dwell in you.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

—Revelation 3:20

Useful Resources

Use the following resources to learn more about obeying God’s instructions effectively.

God’s SealGod’s PromiseYour Decision
Exodus 33:12-17Matthew 7:7-8Romans 8:35-39
Acts 19:11-16John 14:13-14Romans 13:12-14
Matthew 7:21-27James 1:5-8 2Corinthians 6:14-18
John 151 John 3:22-241 Thessalonians 5:8-11
Revelation 7:2-41 John 5:12-15Ephesians 6:10-19